According to Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, there are 201 references to the word "Angel" and there are an additional 96 references to the word "Angels"...In total, that makes 297 references to the word "Angel" or "Angels"...Please keep in mind that Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible is compiled from the King James Version of the Holy Bible.
Also, please keep in mind that I am a Lutheran in the Missouri Synod and we use the New International Version (NIV) of the Holy Bible...In the NIV, there are 195 references to the word "Angel" and there are an additional 99 references to the word "Angels"...In total, that makes 294 references to the word "Angel" or "Angels".
In comparison, that is 297 references in the King James Version and 294 references in the New International Version (NIV)...That's only a difference of 3 references...That's pretty close, right?
You should also keep in mind that I am not a Pastor, Priest, or Preacher...I am only a man who believes that "Angels" walk among us...It's important for everyone to realize that they can be called upon at anytime to be someone's "Angel"...The only thing you have to do is to just slow down, watch and listen...You'll know when God is talking to you.
When I was a small child, I learned that God created everything; including man and woman...And, over a period of time, I developed an understanding about the Triune God; God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit...After reading the Bible several times, I learned how disobedient mankind can be and about the never ending love of God...Time and time again, man has proven his unworthiness of going to Heaven and being with God for all eternity...And, seeing our weak nature and because God loves us so very much, God sent His Son, Jesus, to die on the cross for all of our sins so that Jesus would provide the way for us to be with God the Father for all eternity.
As I see it, in Heaven, our future home, there is God the Father and God the Son...That leaves God the Holy Spirit here on Earth to help guide us...It is my belief that all of us have been touched by God the Holy Spirit...The Holy Spirit is in our thoughts, our conscience, our words, and what we do...The Holy spirit is all around us every single minute of the day and throughout the night...The only thing we have to do is to recognize and act upon His presence...The Holy Spirit is That Presence that quietly whispers in your ear; that Vision before your eyes; the Softness in your words; the Mercy and the Generosity in your heart; and the Sharing of your time.
My goal throughout my "Blog Ministry" is to share scripture references from the New International Version (NIV) of the Holy Bible about "Angels" being God's Messengers and to help you realize that there are always many opportunities for you to be an "Angel" to someone near you.